Case Studies

MeUndies Lifts Revenue with Product Page Promo Banner

+9.98% Transactions

MeUndies, a leading retailer of underwear and loungewear, has made waves by offering comfortable and sustainable products with fun and stylish designs at an affordable price. Using AB Tasty, they were able to improve transaction rate by quickly adding promo banners to product description pages.


With ad campaigns driving traffic directly to product pages, MeUndies needed to capitalize on a segment of users that may have bypassed messaging informing that traffic of current sales and promotions.


Using AB Tasty, MeUndies tested the addition of a promotional widget to the product description pages during a peak sales time (Valentine’s Day) to increase clarity and remind visitors of the available promo code on select products.

Original PDP (Left) vs. the Variation with Banner (Right)


MeUndies brought more visibility to their promotions — no matter the user’s entry point into their website. The result was an increase in transactions by 9.8% with 10% more clicks on the “add to bag” option.


Creating eye-catching and relevant promotional banners on product pages improved the ROI on MeUndies’ ad campaign. Bringing more visibility to available promotional codes on product description pages through AB Tasty ultimately led to more purchases and greater revenue.

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