A visit to the Kalamazoo State Theatre is pure magic.
Step inside and be prepared for the theatre to take your breath away.
4 Reasons the State Theatre Is The Best Place for a Show
The Show Is Just For You
You’ll feel that way, anyway. The theatre’s intimate size means you’ll be close to your favorite performer.
You Can Hear It Now
Fantastic acoustics, thanks to seriously good theatre design.
Be Transported, No Airplane Required
Renowned architect John Eberson designed our theatre in 1927 to create the feel of a Spanish garden. You’ve never seen a show anywhere like this.
Incredible History
See your favorite show on the same stage where the greats have performed. Our theatre has hosted past performances by everyone from the Temptations to Jackson Browne to Britney Spears.
Learn more about the theatre’s history.
Ready to make a visit to the Kalamazoo State Theatre? Check out upcoming shows and tickets.