Case Studies

Samsonite APAC personalizes customer journeys with EmotionsAI

+108% Click on Ratings - Competition Segment

+7.17% Overall Transaction Rate

Explore how Samsonite, a leader in the global lifestyle bag industry and one of the world’s largest travel luggage companies, elevated their digital strategy with AB Tasty.

With luggage being a thoughtful, infrequent purchase, the Samsonite APAC team faced the challenge of helping customers find their ideal luggage solution in as few clicks as possible.

By integrating EmotionsAI and leveraging AI-driven emotional insights, Samsonite APAC tailored the shopping experience based on key emotional drivers like ‘Competition’ and ‘Safety,’ making every interaction more relevant and engaging.

Focusing on critical touchpoints like the homepage, product pages, and checkout, Samsonite saw a 108% increase in clicks on product ratings from the competition segment and a 7.17% lift in transaction rates. By understanding and catering to diverse customer needs across regions, they streamlined the path to purchase and reinforced their position as a leader in the travel industry.

Download the full case study to learn how emotional personalization can revolutionize your customer experience.

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