Case Studies

King Living Increases Revenue 15% by A/B Testing on Site

+15% Clicks

+15% Overall Revenue

King Living is an award-winning Australian furniture retailer that has made a name for itself through selling bespoke items. After noticing a substantial number of drop-offs, King Living utilised AB Tasty to run two experiments to better understand consumers’ purchase behaviour, and, in turn, make data-driven decisions to improve user experience and generate more sales.

Improve product findability for customers

King Living’s website was very content heavy, and customers often had to navigate through content blocks before reaching the product. The team hypothesized that this resulted in drop-offs because it took too long for customers to find what they were looking for.

With this hypothesis in mind, King Living chose to experiment by hiding secondary navigation and displaying products before content. This move resulted in 15% more clicks on product images and 90% increased revenue for all of King Living’s ‘Jasper’ packages.

Consumers are more likely to take action if the information they are seeking is clearly presented to them. In this case, images were more effective than descriptions in communicating what the product was.

Through this experiment, King Living also discovered that their customers do not need a button to go to ‘Products’, which influenced the company’s Product Listing Page and Product Detailing Page redesign.

We noticed that our users don’t actually need a button to go to ‘Products’, so that’s influencing our design decisions in the whole PLP, PDP redesign.

Vanja Stace, King Living Chief Experience Officer

Improve customer conversion by building stronger call-to-action

King Living noticed a substantial number of drop-offs on their check-out page, and pinpointed a few areas for improvement regarding their call-to-action (CTA) – inactive appearance, usage of internal speak and lack of focal point. These factors combined resulted in a CTA difficult for customers to comprehend.

In this experiment, they bolded the important points and translated internal speak into understandable language for consumers. King Living also made their call-to-action appear more visible by shifting away from grey, which is known as the colour of inaction. Through this experiment, King Living’s revenue grew by an astounding 15%.

Having an engaging CTA is important, even at the end of the purchase journey. Consumers are more compelled to follow through with their purchase when the CTA “speaks” to them. This makes a huge difference in minimising drop-offs.

“We had a 15% increase in revenue while that test was running – millions of dollars when you look at it in an annual sense,” Vanja says.

We had a 15% increase in revenue while that test was running — millions of dollars when you look at it in an annual sense.

Vanja Stace, King Living Chief Experience Officer

Experimentation via AB Tasty helped King Living minimise drop-offs, increase conversions and grow business revenue.

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