Case Studies

Displaying More Product Sizes Leads to More Transactions

3% More Transactions

3,000 Euros More Revenue

Yves Rocher is an internationally renowned company that focuses on plant-based cosmetics. They sell skin, body and hair care products, as well as make-up and perfume.


On Yves Rocher’s website, customers can find a wide range of products in varying sizes. However, the company wondered whether users were aware of this. Once they reached the product page of an item in a certain size, customers didn’t always know it was available in other sizes. The team at Yves Rocher wanted to run an initial test campaign with AB Tasty to clarify whether showing alternative article sizes on product detail pages could increase sales figures.

A/B Test

From this idea, a clear test hypothesis was formulated: if size options for selected items were displayed, would the number of transactions and sales increase? The team decided to choose a specific product category – shower gels – to run this initial experiment. On the website, these are available in 200ml and 400ml bottles. The team set up an A/B test for all items that fell into this category.

Yves Rocher Product Page


A total of 8,787 unique visitors were tested during the shower gel campaign. And indeed, the test results were positive: 5% more clicks on the size options were recorded. 4% more users reached the shopping cart in the test variation, which led to an increase in the transaction rate of 3% and accounted for approximately 3,000 euros more revenue than in the original version without size options.

Takeaway Tip

This first test campaign was only conducted on a small segment of the website – the shower gels product category. The team at Yves Rocher had a sound approach: test a hypothesis on a small segment of their website, and verify the results. Now that they’re sure of these positive results, they can apply these learnings elsewhere. If the data-driven results continue to look good, Yves Rocher can invest the necessary time and energy to incorporate different size categories on all product detail pages, without risk.

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