Case Studies

The Impact of Cookie-Free UX Personalization in E-commerce: Mademoiselle Bio

+9.2% in sales

+1.9% of conversions

Learn more about Mademoiselle Bio’s successful project to increase conversion rates and revenues.

Mademoiselle Bio, a leader in French organic cosmetics, partnered with AB Tasty to tackle the challenges of rising acquisition costs and the shift away from cookie-based personalization.

By implementing AB Tasty’s cookie-free personalization technology, the brand transformed its online shopping experience, leading to a 9.2% increase in sales, a 1.9% boost in conversions, and a 6.5% rise in average basket value.

Personalized product recommendations and intelligent e-merchandising helped guide customers through their shopping journeys, delivering tailored experiences that significantly enhanced engagement.

This successful project highlights how Mademoiselle Bio brought the personalized touch of in-store shopping to its online experience, creating a smoother and more intuitive journey for customers.

By tailoring product recommendations at every stage of the customer journey, Mademoiselle Bio not only boosts customer satisfaction but also builds stronger loyalty and increases sales.

Download the full case study to discover how Mademoiselle Bio maximized revenue and adapted to the evolving digital landscape without relying on cookies.

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