Case Studies

CleanChoice Energy Drives Lead Gen with Pop-In

204% Increase in email submission


While the CleanChoice team’s paid media campaigns drove heavily engaged traffic to the website, they found those visitors weren’t quite ready to commit to pursuing clean energy.

In an effort to boost the performance of top-of-funnel and awareness campaigns, they decided to test if a timed pop-in on certain pages would drive better lead capture.


The CleanChoice Energy team hypothesized that displaying an email pop-in within 15 seconds of users landing on one of three different test pages would generate more email sign-ups for their newsletter campaigns than its original placement as a button at the bottom of each page.


On average, the tests resulted in a 204% increase in email submissions with the pop-in than without. This helped increase the performance of the top-of-funnel awareness campaigns significantly.


Not every website visitor is ready to immediately make a purchase. This test proved to the CleanChoice Energy team that they could benefit from a lead-capture strategy for visitors across all stages of the funnel. The team made this pop-in a permanent feature of the site and began testing pop-ins with different messaging on other site pages to target visitors across additional funnel stages.

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